Pulp Adventurers

I love old-school pulp adventure stuff. I didn't have any particular game in mind when I painted up these two miniatures, but I suppose they could be used for Call of Cthulhu or even modern games at a stretch.

Both figures are Bones plastic from Reaper Miniatures. The Indiana Jones-like figure on the left is listed as "Frank Buck." I went with a smooth earth-tone palette for his outfit, with greys on his weapons.

The figure on the right is "Jake Ryan, Hero Explorer." Aside from being simply enormous and thus out of scale with most other 28mm figures, he's a nice figure. His shirt is one of my first attempts to do decent white, layering some warm beige before the white in order to get a decent resulting color.

And both miniatures have proper basing! Jake even has a "Army Painter Wasteland Tuft" on his base. You'll be seeing a lot of those, since it's the only decent basing thing I have.

Looking back at these guys, I'm really happy with how they came out, especially the outfit of "Frank Buck."
