Frostgrave Wizard and Apprentice

As I noted in the last post, the brown and maroon color scheme soldiers are diverse enough to make a pretty solid Frostgrave warband. So recently I painted up these two fellows from Reaper Miniatures. Both came as part of the Reaper Miniatures Bones 4 Kickstarter.

The figure on the left doesn't have a name I could find, but it was included in the Kickstarter core set as #47, one of the "Greybeards." Edit: As of September 2020 he's been released as "Zenfis Zadar, Wizard" on Reaper's website. I painted up his shoulder dragon with a nice green that compliments the red of his cloak. As a fairly generic wizard, he could be a part of pretty much any school of magic in Frostgrave, but the dragon makes me think Elementalist (or maybe a Summoner?).

The apprentice, also from the Bones 4 pack, is listed as #50, and is a part of the "Townsfolk I." His staff was originally a hoe, but I sliced off that part and painted it like wood, so it just looks like his staff has a little ring near the bottom. His belt was painted green to tie into the wizard's dragon color and further connect the pair.

With the matching hoods and colors, these guys go well together. On the table, they stand out among the other members of their warband, too, since the heroic scale of Reaper miniatures is a head taller (at least) compared to Perry figures.

Next time, another maroon and brown figure (and the last one for a while, I promise).


  1. Looking at the picture again, I noticed that the Wizard has scratchy arm hair. I think he's the only model I've ever painted that has visible body hair.


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