English Civil War Figures

These figures come from the Warlord Games "Pike & Shotte" line. Like most of my miniatures, they're plastic. I enjoy building figures probably as much as I enjoy painting them. The first three figures were made as a bridge so that I could use my Red/Yellow team of medieval soldiers as part of a Mordheim Reikland warband. I also envisioned them for use in "En Garde!" or "The Pikeman's Lament" from Osprey Wargames.

This flamboyantly-attired fellow is clearly the leader, ready to blast some poor fool with his somewhat sideways black powder pistol. I'm not sure if this is the first of my miniatures I've displayed on the blog with my occasional orange hair, but I think this was one of the earliest miniatures that I painted with orange hair. I've never got the hang of actual "red" hair, so I use orange instead.

In Mordheim, he was run as the Captain, armed with a sword and a brace of dueling pistols (which was ludicrously expensive).

The fellow to the left was run as a Champion with a halberd. I particularly like his face, and his pose is aggressive and focused.

The fellow to the right was going to a Marksman with a handgun, but never saw action on the table.

To the left, a figure that I've always envisioned as Dutch; In my notes, he's specifically named as Klaas Van Duister, which I presume I made up from whole cloth. I rather like the face, but I feel that especially with the dark clothing, he looks a bit like a vampire.

To the right, a blue bonnet fellow with orange hair, presumably from Scotland; My notes call him Rory MacCulloch. I added a Perry Agincourt buckler to the model because his clenched fist looked kind of silly.
