Goblin Horde

Goblins! Another monster that helps round out the bottom tier of adventurer fodder. The Reaper Miniatures Bones 4 Kickstarter included 27 goblins, of which I picked out 19 to paint. Aside from their obvious use in D&D, there are also enough of them to use as a (somewhat limited) Frostgrave warband. Also, since they're largely matched sets, they could be used for four teams for some one-off game. Let's look at what we've got here.
These are the leaders of the goblin horde. A shaman of some sort and a feisty-looking fellow waving his sword in the air. Yellow isn't the easiest color to paint, but I layered up from orange to bright yellow and they turned out rather striking. I also like the spider on the shaman's back; I assume it's his beloved pet. There are a lot of details on these guys (and on all the goblins) that make them fun to paint and pretty to look at.
Now, there are four nearly identical groups of models, each painted a different color. I say nearly identical because the Red group is the only one with the bulky chap in the center. Quite the bruiser. He was the final goblin I painted, so I chose to put him with what I considered the best team. I imagine the Red clan is the most brutal and powerful clan, with their intimidating red facepaint and all.
I envision the Brown clan as trackers and sneaky wilderness fellows. But here we see the four goblins in each type. A goblin with mace and shield, one with a bow, one with sword and board, and one with a two-handed axe. A nice, complimentary group of goblin types.
The Blue clan is probably the smart guys. The swordsgoblin's sword is bent, but I didn't notice until after they were primed, so I didn't fix it. Perhaps it fits his unique fighting style.
Finally, the Orange clan. These flashy fellows have an absolutely ostentatious orange color scheme. The picture doesn't do justice to how bright it is. These are my least favorite ones, but they still look OK on the table.

I mentioned the goblins could be a limited Frostgrave warband. Well, Wizard and Apprentice are the yellows, of course, and then possibly the big red bruiser as a barbarian, two archers, and five shield guys as thugs (just ignore the shields). It would be a decent group if I ever find myself in need of another warband on short notice.
