The Skeleton Horde 2: Skeletwo Bonegaloo

I've painted 14 skeletal additions to my existing Skeleton Horde to flesh out the basic units. Here are five more archers to bring their total up to 12, along with nine more spearmen to bring their total up to 16. These models are all straight out of the Wargames Atlantic "Skeleton Warriors" box. Despite painting up pretty easily, the skeletons still take a while to finish en masse.

These boney chaps look a little different than the old skeletons, mostly because Games Workshop heavily changed the formula for their "Agrax Earthshade" wash. It functions differently now, pooling heavily and looking shiny/wet. The eventual matte spray varnish should tamp down the shine.

I also painted up a necromancer, which is a Reaper Miniatures "Dreadmere Wight." Presumably, he's helping to summon and/or maintain this mob of skeletons. I've wanted to paint this miniature up for quite some time, but I couldn't settle on a paint scheme until I decided to lump him in with the skeletons. The brass, red, and brown is simple but effective, and the green skin (like the mummies I did recently) is good enough.
