
I was digging back through the Bones 4 Kickstarter models (there are still so many I haven't painted) and I came across this large, imposing mummy figure. I figured while I painted him up, I'd paint the priestess mummy as well with the same color scheme. I have a number of undead in the works at the moment.

The male sculpt was quick and easy, mostly drybrushing and such. The female had a lot more exposed flesh, which took a bit longer; is she even really a mummy? The mummy wrappings seem like more of a fashion accessory in her case. Still, both models turned out OK.

Maybe these two fine folks can help lead my skeletal horde. Due to the scale difference between Reaper minis and Wargames Atlantic models, these guys are about a centimeter taller than the skeletons and could really stand out on a battlefield.
