2023 in Review

In 2021, I painted 127 miniatures.

In 2022, I painted 128 miniatures.

Guess what. In 2023, I painted 129 miniatures. The trend continues! The category with the most painted miniatures is the Alien Horde with 28, followed (technically) by the Horror Category with 27; however, 20 of those are really quickly painted zombies, so I hesitate to count it. Following that, we have the Supervillain category with 18; this is probably the group I'm happiest with, but the 13 items in each of Scifi and Terrain are pretty nice too.

Let's take a gander at what I've completed this year, including what I've selected as my Model of the Year.

  • Superheroes (5)
    • Baroque Boy
    • Brightside
    • Magefist
    • Scrapper (Model of the Year Nominee)
    • Tempest
  • Supervillains (18)
    • Doc Brimstone / The Brimstone Kid
    • Lord Xeno the Eyeless
    • Sergeant Orc
    • Thugs (3)
    • Dr. Chimera (Model of the Year Nominee)
    • Snake Eyes
    • Hactuary
    • Chosen Men (6)
    • Publius
    • Harvest
    • Grenadehead
  • Battlemechs (13)
    • Awesome (LF)
    • Thunderbolt (LF)
    • Locust (LF)
    • Rifleman (AOI)
    • Victor (AOI)
    • Banshee (AOI) 
    • Wolverine (3C)
    • Blackjack (3C)
    • Rifleman (3C)
    • Archer (3C)
    • Archer (AOI)
    • Centurion (AOI)
    • Stinger (AOI)
  • Fantasy (3)
    • Ogre Bodyguard (Retinue colors) (Model of the Year Nominee)
    • Ogre Bodyguard with Zweihander (Green and grey)
    • Troll
  • Scifi (13)
    • Bounty Hunter with Rocket Launcher and Revolver
    • Razormouth
    • Space Landsknecht Ogre Trooper
    • Space Landsknecht Human Trooper
    • Mountain Man
    • Purple Alien Sniper
    • Setla riding Brontoide (Model of the Year Nominee)
    • Green Space Wolf
    • Quadcopter Platform Drone
    • Crewmember Captain
    • Crewmember Security Chief
    • Crewmember Engineer
    • Crewmember Coward
  • Alien Horde (28)
    • Rock Worm (2)
    • Large Spawner
    • Small Spawner (3)
    • Spore Mine - Frag (4)
    • Spore Mine - Gas (2)
    • Spore Mine - Acid (2)
    • Large Harvester (3)
    • Small Harvester (10)
    • Infected Crewman
  • Embers of Alexandria (7)
    • Spark (Cowboy)
    • Ash Assault Rifle (3)
    • Ash Shotgun/Sword (2)
    • Crimson Herald
  • Horror (27)
    • Hooded Beast
    • Blood-Starved Beast
    • Zombie (20)
    • Giant Nightmare Spider
    • Small Nightmare Spider (4)
  • Animals (2)
    • Giant Crocodile
    • Big Pig
  • Terrain (13)
    • Fish Plaza Statue (Mordheim) (Terrain of the Year Nominee)
    • Ruined Pie Shop (Mordheim)
    • Shuttle Alpha (2nd Dynasty)
    • Landing Shuttle (2nd Dynasty) 
    • The Broken Tower (Mordheim) (Terrain of the Year Nominee)
    • Small graveyard walls (3) (Mordheim)
    • Long graveyard walls (4) (Mordheim)
    • Graveyard gate (Mordheim)

 〰 Models of the Year

This year's Model of the Year award goes to Dr. Chimera. This model is a great, characterful kitbash that painted up really well and just overall sells the concept. Congratulations, tiny plastic person.

Split off into its own category is Terrain of the Year, because it isn't fair to have tiny models and giant models in the running for the same thing. This year's top terrain prize goes to Fish Plaza Statue. This piece might not be the biggest, but it's absolutely packed with character, from the corner statues to the skeleton sitting on the statue itself. Congratulations, medium-sized terrain piece.

As always, thanks to all of our entrants and we'll see you back here next time! Happy new year!
