Dungeons and Dark Souls 3: The Skeleton Horde

Skeletons are my favorite fantasy monster, bar none. They are also very quick and easy to paint. With these two points combined, it's easy to see why I've always wanted to paint up a whole ton of skeleton miniatures. Wargames Atlantic makes a box of 32 modular plastic skeletons that are pretty inexpensive, so I picked up two boxes

The painting was simple. Prime with black, then heavy drybrush brown, then light drybrush Vallejo Bonewhite (72.034). Do the weapons with Dense Red and Brass. Finally, heavily wash with Agrax Earthshade. Quick, easy, and it still looks great. This is literally the only type of miniature force that I can ever see myself painting an entire army for.

The 28 little skeletons are:

  • One skeleton captain with a sweet plumed helmet, spear, and shield
  • Seven skeletons with spears
  • Seven skeletons with bows
  • Four skeletons with swords and shields
  • Six misshapen skeletons with daggers
  • One skeleton with a big brass ribcage-on-a-stick called a Tetsubōne
  • One dooter, dooting his horn. He has no lungs, so how does he doot? He just doots. DOOT.
  • One skeleton dinosaur. It was a cheap toy that my kids got at some point. I glued it on a base, did the normal skeleton paintjob, and it's done. It's ridiculous. I love it.
