The Skeleton Horde 3: Undead Lord

Every army needs a commander, and now the Skeleton Horde has its own imposing Lord. This fellow is a Reaper Miniatures "Khanag the Slayer" from the Bones 4 Kickstarter. I swapped out the head (which was originally a bit goofy) for one of the Wargames Atlantic skeleton heads since the plumed helmet would both look better and fit better with the rest of the army. In terms of leadership, this Lord replaces the Skeleton Commander (shown above for scale) as the undead entity in charge of the warband. It's been said that the Lord looks born to lead, but it's a nature vs. nurture thing; was he truly born to lead, or did a necromancer just raise him right?

The model stands 75mm tall from base to the tip of the sword. The attached giant rock he's standing on helped with that lift. I mounted it all on a 40mm base, then added a bunch of skulls from my trusty Citadel Skulls box to fill in the space and make it more dynamic. That box of skulls is a gift that keeps on giving, but I think this might be the first time I've used it for basingwhich was its intended purpose by Games Workshop.

I used some of the last of my "old" Agrax Earthshade as a wash for this figure, which is why it looks nicely blended instead of shiny and pooled.

Totaling everything up, I now have 45 units for the Undead Army. This puts them just shy of the Embers of Alexandria Cultists' 48 units. I get the feeling that the Undead are going to have reinforcements before too long, though.

  • Skeleton Horde (45)
    • Undead Lord
    • Necromancer
    • Champion (previously Commander)
    • Hornblower
    • Tetsubōne Standard Bearer
    • Spears (16)
    • Archers (12)
    • Sword/Shields (4)
    • Daggers (6)
    • Dinosaur Skeleton
    • Giant Skeleton
