Blue Aliens

I painted these aliens some time last year, but I somehow neglected to photograph or post them. They're Reaper Bones "Gray Alien Scientists (3)," "Gray Alien Warriors (3)," and "Gray Alien Leaders (2)," with some modifications. Of the eight, I completed seven, as the eighth died in a tragic kitbashing accident. (Perhaps it will be resurrected at some point.)

The first three of the little blue aliens are wearing orange and have a scientist/engineer feel to them. From left to right we have:

  • A Blue with a tech backpack with what I painted as a light on the top. He's waving in a friendly manner.
  • A Blue with a satchel and a datapad of some sort. This was one of the two figures in the "Leaders" pack, but I feel it's a good fit for a scientist.
  • A Blue with a datapad and a cool head ring thing. It's actually a plastic orle from a Perry Miniatures Agincourt box. I tried for quite some time to find hats for these Blues, but in the end I couldn't find any that fit nicely. The orange and white orle really sets off the blue head nicely. Maybe they can't wear hats because of sensory organs/heat dispersal on the top of their heads?

These two Blues (and the two below) aren't in any sort of matching livery. They're probably space adventurers, so they can wear what they want.

On the left is what I think of as a duelist. It was an unarmed figure from the "Warrior" pack, but I added a sword from... somewhere? Possibly a Warlord games Pike & Shotte sprue. It's painted a shiny blue because SPACE SWORD.

Lefty's outfit is purple, but I wasn't satisfied with it plain so I added a series of white dots on the upper left quarter. Quite flamboyant.

On the right is some kind of gauntlet-wielding Blue. The white and gold of the tech pops nicely on the blue skin and grey jumpsuit. This alien is probably a psyker, focusing his powers through the gauntlet.

Finally, we have two true blue Blue soldiers. The left figure, from the "Leaders" pack, is some kind of cyborg with a huge arm gun and a targeter over one eye. I gave this one a basic dark camouflage pattern to make him look even more military. He definitely strikes me as the deadliest member of the crew.

On the right is what I envision as a bounty hunter. I tried to find a hat to make it look more like Cad Bane from Star Wars, but none fit. In any case, this Blue was from the "Warrior" pack and had a strange, alien blaster (or something) in its hand. I wasn't a fan, so I removed it and replaced it with a scoped pistol from a Project Z survivor sprue. I notice now that even though it's a skintight jumpsuit like everyone else's, I painted it to appear like there are black boots.

Back when I finished these figures, I took a few pictures and made them into a .gif to show the sweet crackle paint I used on the base. This is a Citadel Technical paint called "Agrellan Earth." You just sort of gloop it on and over time it dries into cracked desert terrain. Pretty sweet and easy, when it works right.

In the finished pictures, above, you can also see that I used my Army Painter Wasteland Tufts to decorate them a little further once they were dry.

Finally, here's a shot to show the size of these Blues. They're a bit on the short side. Here it's beside Southpaw, a man with a fairly normal 28mm scale body. The Blue is about a head shorter. Beside a Reaper Miniatures human it would be even shorter.

I should also point out that in the background of all of these shots you can see part of the awesome Battle Systems UK "Cyberpunk Core Set." It's really good, modular, and easy to use stuff.
