6Gun Mercenaries (2/6) - Second Batch


This batch features two more overt troops and one more covert operator. I've found painting in batches of three works well for me since it isn't too many to be overwhelming, but it also allow for at least some assembly-line painting.

The left soldier is a sniper, wielding a Dragunov rifle with a pistol backup. Depending on the game system, Purple Scarf might be defined as fielding a generic sniper rifle (as in Zona Alfa) or a designated marksman rifle up to heavy sniper rifle (as in Spectre: Operations). As he has the only sniper-type weapon of anyone I've built yet, he's pretty flexible in that regard.

The middle soldier is my first shotgunner. Orange Hat is running forward, assaulting a position, and is one of the only operatives who remembered to pack extra ammunition (seen here as red 12-gauge shells strapped to his backpack).

The right soldier isn't wearing his mask, which means he must be important. (Don't worry, he has his mask clipped onto his belt.) In this case, I see Grey Hair as the commander of the covert forces. He's older, greying, but has a lifetime of experience guiding him.
