Villainous Thugs 2: Return of the Thugs

Adding to my collection of thugs are three new old-school gangsters. This batch includes another flat cap fellow with a pistol (a broomhandle Mauser C96, no less!), another fedora fellow with a SMG (the classic M3 SMG, also known as the "grease gun"), and a new type of thug: red bowler hat guy with a Bren light machine gun! Even gangsters need some support weapons, especially if they're going up against superheroes.

Once again, they're painted up in a drab color scheme so that they don't really stand out. Each has at least some Gingerbread-style dappled brown, so they all fit together cohesively. The weapons are incredibly dated, but hopefully that just lends them a nostalgic charm. Also, they can be perfectly slotted in for pulp games.

This brings our little gang up to seven members:

  • Pistol thug x3
  • SMG thug x3
  • LMG thug x1
