Supervillain: Dr. Chimera

It sure would be swell if all these aliens I've been making could fight superheroes. That sounds like a job for... a bridge miniature! Enter Dr. Chimera. The aliens can be controlled by this epic miniature lady, either in a superhero scenario or a scifi scenario.

Dr. Chiyo Kimura (because Kimura looks/sounds vaguely similar to Chimera) is a well-intentioned extremist. Born August 6, 1936, Chiyo Kimura (Ph.D., M.D.) has seen first-hand the damage that humanity is capable of doing to itself and its homeworld. When humanity wipes itself out (whether by war, damaging the environment, or scientific accident), Dr. Chimera and her creations will survive and adapt. She will see to it that humanity survives, even if its form is completely different than it is now. She sees herself as an ignored harbinger, and she believes this justifies doing what she does; the rest of the world is short-sighted and self-destructive.

Dr. Chimera is immensely intelligent and resilient, can shapeshift to suit her needs, can regenerate, and explicitly cannot be killed by any known means. She also has minor psychic abilities, the most notable of which is a kind of hive mind with her biological creations. All of these powers are self-developed by altering her own genetic code based on collected (largely stolen) samples.

The miniature's main body and head are from Stargrave parts while the alien legs emerging from her back are from the Wargames Atlantic Harvesters box. The alien legs are in the same colors as my growing alien horde to tie this miniature in with them. The body goes with a white and green color scheme with a Nuln Oil wash (instead of the Agrax Earthshade) to make the two sections noticeably different.

This is one of my favorite figures that I've done this year and is a great example of what can happen when a weird kitbash goes well. Figure of the Year Nominee!
