Supervillain: Spectral Sword

Here's another old supervillain of mine that I've reimagined with the bits I had on hand. This model was a bit of an experiment, kitbashed together from all over the place. The head is from Anvil Industries, the body and left hand are from Frostgrave Wizards II, the arms are from Perry Agincourt sprues, and the swords are from any kit I could find that had spare swords.

Spectral Sword—who might need a rename at some point because that doesn't really off the tongue—has the power to summon... spectral swords. She can also fly, create spooky mists, and possibly do minor teleports within the mists. As a spooky villain, her powers aren't totally set in stone.

The swirling swords here were based with white, then painted with Citadel Technical "Nihilakh Oxide," which is really meant to be used to simulate verdigris on miniatures. But, in this case, it acted kind of like a contrast paint. The pictures don't really do the swords justice; they practically glow with a ghostly light, especially with the dark green and grey clothing. The blades are meant to look like they're swirling around her, not... glued to her robes, but there's only so much I can do.

To the right is the original version of this creation made on Fábrica de Heróis over a decade ago.
