Supervillain: The Racketeer

This is The Racketeer, another supervillain based entirely around a pun (which was itself based entirely around what I had on hand).

This is another figure constructed from bits of the Project Z female survivors sprue. She's wearing comfortable athletic clothes because villainy tends to involve a lot of running and exercise. The only thing I specifically did to make her a super-person was to paint a domino mask on her face. My working theory is that any miniature can be superpowered simply by painting the domino mask. And this way, you don't have to paint pupils on the eyes!

I painted blue hair because she needed another color. It's a wig, to further obscure her identity. Her shorts will be less shiny when it warms up outside and I can apply a matte spray varnish. I painted the road lines on the base by using very, very thin strips of painter's tape as a stencil; it's very simple basing, but I didn't think she would look right standing in either mud or a desert like I normally do these days.
