Supervillain: Claire Volante

Claire Volante was born with tremendous psionic abilities. At a young age, she was kidnapped by possibly-rogue government scientists, whose experiments increased her powers tenfold. Since her escape, she's enacted revenge on those who she believes wronged her and turned into a destructive force leading an army of like-minded minions; they're like-minded because of all the mind control.

This is a metal Stargrave miniature, one of the two in the Psionicists pack. I got it free with the Stargrave Nickstarter. To make her more human, I shaved off a ridge that ran back across her head and trimmed down her pointy ears. I like the pose of this figure and it works well for a superperson.

As for the colors, she's got a purple jumpsuit with black coat and boots. Black is a hard color for me to paint, since I prime with black and it just looks unfinished. But overall, I think she turned out well. I also used some crackle paint on the base, to make it look like the street is damaged; I'll probably do some more of this in the future, just to break up the bases.
