The Embers of Alexandria

A while back I attended a pseudo-con that got me thinking about running a game at a convention. It's different than running a long-form campaign, and it got me thinking about what kind of game would work for such an undertaking. Through some twists and roundabouts, I settled on an idea for a modern paranormal wargame-RPG. These are the miniatures that came out of that idea.

These are cultists of an organization known as The Embers of Alexandria. In 48 BC, Julius Caesar burned part of the library of Alexandria. Historically, it is believed this was an accident, but the Embers maintain that it was intentional, destroying a tremendous store of forbidden knowledge that Caesar feared would fall into his enemies’ hands. In vengeance, the Embers salvaged what they could and successfully conspired with allies in Rome to assassinate Caesar. For the next several centuries, the Embers functioned as a mystery cult across the Roman world. In the dark ages, they hoarded knowledge in faux-monasteries paying lip service to the Catholic church. In the age of exploration, after a series of purges, the Embers spread across the world, in search of new knowledge or ways to bring their tremendous arcane power to bear for revenge or profit. The Embers have split into several factions in modern history, and each faction has differing and sometimes conflicting aims.

The miniatures (except for the big guy) are a mix of Frostgrave Cultist and Stargrave Trooper parts (with a few other bits mixed in).

Here are the three individuals. On the left is the leader of the soldiers. His rank is Torch (with Coals and Ashes below him), as indicated by his yellow cowl. He's armed with an assault rifle and a sweet backpack with an axe.

The big fellow is a Reaper Miniatures "Maggotcrown Bonesack." Quite the name and quite the creature. It came with the Bones 4 Kickstarter. Beyond this project, it would be perfect as a creature in Zona Alfa or many post-apocalyptic or sci-fi settings. The gaping maw immediately makes me assume it can swallow characters whole, maybe if they're still grappled a round after being grabbed. Maybe faster.

On the right is a hybrid, unarmed beyond incredible supernatural powers. It's a cultist body and arms with an alien head from a Stargrave Sprue.

Here are three of the Coals (a rank which normally means they use special/heavy weapons). They also wear metal masks in their cowl.

On the left, a cultist with a rocket-propelled grenade. He's running somewhere with a spare rocket grenade.

In the center, a cultist with a light machine gun and a backpack full of ammunition, perfect for suppressing those foolish enough to oppose the Embers.

On the right, a cultist armed with flamethrower arms from the Wargames Atlantic Einherjar. Burn!

Here are six Ashes, the foot soldiers of the Embers. They're armed with assault rifles. This is probably the most common cultist type. No special abilities, no special technology, just numbers and plenty of ammunition.

Finally, some different Ashes. On the left are a trio armed with pistols. They could either be used as lower-threat enemies, or as technicians or other scenario-based units.

On the right, two Ashes armed with shotguns and axes. Presumably, these guys would act as rushers to get in close and do heavy damage if not taken care of.

Opposing these cultists would probably be my 6Gun Mercenaries (possibly rethemed as something more heroic). These cultists could also work as a Stargrave crew. (Spark and Hybrid as captain and first mate, the Coals as possible specialists, and the Ashes as Troopers/Sentries/Runners/Recruits as needed. They could also work as pirate enemy forces for Stargrave. While we're at it, these could work as forces for Zona Alfa. Or villains in a superhero campaign! So many possibilities! So many cultists! (16! And the big guy!)
