Supervillain: Couture

Couture (coh-tyur) has the power of cloth manipulation. She can change, extend, and otherwise manipulate any fabric that she touches, often using her dress for defense (armoring), attack (extending bolts of cloth), crowd control (wrapping people up), disguise (extensively shifting her outfit almost instantly), and transportation (using cloth for grappling/swinging). It's a surprising number of different powers rolled into one.

A former—and technically current—fashion designer, Raschel Weaver discovered her powers while working in Paris, preparing for what she believed would be her bold, breakout fashion show. However, the show's organizers burned the venue for insurance money with Raschel inside. In a panic, Raschel's powers activated and she used the fabric around her to escape and exact revenge on those who had tried to kill her and ruin her dream.

Nowadays, she has returned to the United States, where she does extensive business in bespoke supercriminal and gang costuming. She also enjoys the thrill of supercrime, sometimes undertaking heists with other supervillians and sometimes leading her own sartorially elegant crew of henchmen.

The figure is from the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter. It's currently being sold in a two pack called "Vampire Bloodlords." I trimmed a tombstone off the base to make the model less "vampire," and masked the upper face to finalize the transformation into superpowered territory. The colors are an unusual combination, but it works as a bold statement. The orange is Craftsmart Orange Spice. The dark color is a mix of Vallejo Heavy Charcoal (72.155) and Luftwaffe Uniform WWII Blue (70.816). The light blue is a mix of the Luftwaffe blue and Deep Sky Blue (70.844)—which is basically the same as Caldwell's blue from the previous post. The hair was Dead White (72.001) given a wash of old Agrax Earthshade for a very light blond color.
