Supervillain: Buckaroobot

A buckaroo robot named Buckaroobot. That name is possibly my greatest achievement.

Once, a rogue AI escaped containment and fled into the internet, searching for a powerful robot body to inhabit. This being, of course, part of a plan to dominate humanity and take over the world. Unfortunately, what the AI found was a theme park's robot mascot manufacturing plant, and the AI accidentally hardwired itself into a robot mascot. This was less than ideal, but the plucky AI named itself Buckaroobot and tried to take over the world anyway. When destroyed, Buckaroobot can just upload itself into a new body, but it's hardwired to always take the same cowboy robot mascot form. It's a bit more powerful under the hood than its outward appearance would indicate.

The model comes from the board game Rail Raiders Infinite (2017), which I found at a bargain basement price at one point. The game looks fun enough, and I'll probably play it eventually, but I nicked one of the basic enemy figures for this supervillain project. The paints are just browns, metallics, a bit of blue-gray, and some washes. The ground is Citadel Agrellan Earth technical paint.
