Superhero: Umbra

Umbra is a shadowy urban vigilante, unpowered but highly trained in stealth and martial arts. Basically she's like any given member of the Bat-Family. While trained in the arts of the assassin by a shadowy cult, she escaped and traded in her swords for specialized stun batons. She can light up the tips of her batons to throw off her enemies in the dark, and she has specialized flash bombs on her belt.

The model is Reaper Miniatures "Serena, Dreadmere Rogue," which I got in the Bones 4 Kickstarter (the gift that keeps on giving). She originally had a sword and a dagger, but I clipped them off. To replace them, I cut one-centimeter pieces of paperclip and glued them into holes that I drilled into the sword handles. Instant batons!

Originally, I planned to use a purple and black paint scheme, but I realized it looked practically identical to the Stephanie Brown "Spoiler" costume. I went with heroic blue as the primary color instead. Everything on the model is a combination of some or all of the following Vallejo paints: Black (70.950), Blue (70.925), Heavy Charcoal (72.155), and Basalt Grey (70.869). On the batons, I worked up from blue to a blend with Deep Sky Blue (70.844), then Sky Blue (70.961), then Dead White (72.001) at the tip. The warm skin tones and basing give a nice contrast to balance all the cold hues.

I'm very happy with how this miniature turned out. The blue on the costume pops just enough, and the white tips of the batons give two nice spots of visual interest.
