6Gun Mercenaries 7: Sniper, Breacher, Soldier, Spy

I've started to put together some reinforcements for my 6Gun mercenary force, partly to offset the threat of the Embers of Alexandria cult. With my recent order from Anvil Industry for more of their costly but excellent resin bits, I bought some modular female pieces. They stand slightly taller, on average, than the males (as shown in the picture).

From left to right, these figures are:

  • Green Headset: A sniper and another leader of 6Gun (as evidenced by her lack of a mask). I assume she sits back from a good overwatch position and coordinates the other mercenaries with her headset.
  • Black Helmet: The first member of the crew with an actual helmet. This fellow is a tank, equipped with heavy armor and a ballistic shield. While a pump-action shotgun with the shield may seem odd, I do not regret this decision. The shield actually has a nice little cutout to poke the weapon barrel through.
  • Brown Layered: (I already have a Brown Hair) A normal soldier with a regular gas mask and AK-107. She's a bog-standard trooper with a brown layered bob.
  • Grey Gaiter: No gas mask, but she has a neck gaiter pulled up over her face. Like all of the covert agents, she has a silenced weapon. Unlike the others (so far), she also carries a grenade on her belt. Sometimes you really wish you'd brought grenades.

There aren't many female gas mask parts available from Anvil that match, so there may be a few more unmasked or abnormally masked models coming up.

These four bring 6Gun up to nineteen human members.

  • 13 Loud (5 assault rifle, 4 shotgun, 2 snipers, 1 LMG, 1 grenade launcher)
  • 5 Covert (4 suppressed pistols, 1 suppressed machine pistol)
  • 1 Other (Drone operator)
