
Showing posts from August, 2022

Mordheim: Mercenary Halberd Champion and Marksmen

Mordheim. Now there's a blog label I didn't expect to use again. There's been interest in starting up some Mordheim games, so here we are, over a decade since I last played.

With my Noble Retinue, I already have a number of options to start a warband, but I need a few more stout fellows to fill things out. So, here we are.

First, the halberdier is a good choice for a champion. This guy looks like he's going "Oy, you!" He's got a big plume on his helmet and a bottle of rotgut on his belt. I like this guy. He's a mix of:

  • Pike & Shotte Landsknect Zweihander plastic body and right arm, and metal halberd arm
  • Perry Light Cavalry (1450-1500) plastic head
  • Anvil Industry resin pointing hand
  • Frostgrave Wizards II plastic bottle

The other three lads are marksmen built entirely from the Perry Agincourt (English and French Infantry) boxes. I've had them built for a while (to supplement the Retinue), but now they're painted up and looking good.

Several faces and hands to paint on these lads. The champion has actual pupils, but the marksmen just have the blank white eyes. They've seen some things. (Edit: The marksmen later got pupils because they were too creepy.)

Leland's Fusiliers: Orion & Catapult

Two big, iconic mechs join the Fusiliers.The Orion (left) is basically a scaled-down Atlas; it's a solid all-rounder weapons platform. The Catapult (right) is a long range missile boat, backing up the LRMs with four medium lasers. I love missile boats, and I love this mech.

  • Orion (75 tons, BV 1,429)
  • Catapult (65 tons, BV 1,399)

Leland's Fusiliers Stats
Total mechs: 16
Total tons: 950
Total battle value: 18,972

The Embers of Alexandria: Part Four

The Embers are once again burning brighter, as thirteen new recruits join their ranks.

Six of these were originally meant for a Frostgrave warband, painted up in purple. I never finished painting them, which is just as well, since now they're in the red and grey livery of the Embers. There are five in this batch that could be used in Frostgrave (the ones with archaic weapons), but I did add a shotgun to the hand-axe wielder, so he'll probably have to stay in modern times.

Four more were newly built and painted alongside the six. I put together two more light machine-gunners to provide heavy fire, since I feel like they would be the most common support weapon. There's one more pistoleer, because I wanted to see if a shaved-down SMG would look like a pistol. Finally, there's another Ash with an assault rifle, so that I can do three squads of three; each squad could also include an LMG Coal and a shotgun Ash. Nice little evil fireteams.

And then I built three more, because I was kind of on a roll. Another Ash with an assault rifle, another Coal with an RPG, and another Coal with a sniper rifle. The sniper got the "hero face" treatment. I haven't done an actual miniature face since February; everything's been robots, masks, skeletons, or aliens. So, since I liked the pose and wanted to do a nice face, I gave him good eyes, good skin blend, some redness on the nose, and the overall glow up treatment.

With these thirteen added, here's where the Embers of Alexandria stand in total:

  • Ashes x25 (Assault Rifle x10, Pistol x7, Shotgun/Axe x4, Sword x2, Crossbow x2)
  • Coals x11 (LMG x3, RPG x2, Sniper Rifle x2, Flamethrower, Hacker, Stalker, Executioner)
  • Sparks x2
  • Summoner x1
  • Aliens x2 (Hybrid, Maw-nstrosity)

Total: 41

That's an insane number of cultists. The Embers' primary opponent, the 6Gun mercenaries, only have fifteen (human) soldiers; maybe it's time to start thinking about reinforcements. You know, to keep the cultist threat in check.