Retainers (5/5): Family Photo

Here we have the whole retinue, all twenty-one of them. They're just barely not the largest unified force I've ever painted up (looking at you, brown-and-maroon troops and wizard and cyborg), but they're probably the most detailed. They're even all based properly! For posterity, here's the paint scheme:

  • Primer
    • Craftsmart "Black" (brush on)
  • Eyes
    • Ceramcoat "White" Semi-Opaque
  • Skin
    • Craftsmart "Brown"
    • Craftsmart "Golden Brown" (mix with brown for middle tones)
  • Clothes and Equipment
    • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Charcoal" (this is a very dark blue)
    • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Bluegrey" (this is a cool grey)
    • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Red"
    • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Sienna" (this is the deep brown)
    • Vallejo Model Color 70.865 "Oily Steel"
  • Wash
    • Citadel Shade "Nuln Oil" (this stuff is so basic but so amazing)
  • Base
    • Citadel Colour Technical "Stirland Battlemire" (expensive but pre-mixed and easy to use)
    • Vallejo Game Color "Beasty Brown" [sic] (drybrushed over the battlemire)
    • Army Painter "Wasteland Tufts" (not a paint, these are the tufts glued to the bases)

This has been a fun project. I have some more I want to add to it, like militia or levies. Also, I should probably make the noble who retains these people at some point, just for completeness' sake.
