Giant Frogs

Here are four "Giant Frogs" from Reaper Miniatures. They come in packs of two, and I got a pack with the Bones 4 Kickstarter. One of the models (the green one, see below) was missing a leg, so I emailed Reaper and, to my surprise and delight, they sent another set of two instead of just a replacement for the damaged one. Excellent customer service. So I ended up with a croaking quartet (Aristophanes?), and here they are.

I painted them all differently, inspired loosely by poison dart frogs, but mostly just one each of red, yellow, green, and blue. Maybe they're elemental guardians? I just wanted them to look nice and be able to tell them apart.

As you can see by the mercenary frog wrangler, these frogs are big fellas. They're on 50mm bases, so they're large size for D&D. There are giant toxic frogs in Stargrave as well, named Dedfurds, so there's another possible use.

As I mentioned, the model that needed replacing was missing a leg. There was a pretty deep hole for the leg to fit into, so I filled it in with putty and used the back end of a paintbrush to make little circle texture spots. I then painted it to look like not-necessarily-healed tissue. I used my X-acto knife to put a scar across his eye, then painted it up to be a pinkish-white blind eye. (You can see the healthy eye in the top picture.)

So, this is Old One-Eye, a dangerous, long-lived Giant Frog. "My grand-pappy died fighting him, but he managed to take his eye and his arm before the beast got him!"

Alternatively, he could be used as a zombie giant frog, should that needlessly specific scenario arise.
