The Skeleton Horde 5: Green Command and Red Bannerman

Here are the Champion, Musician, Bannerman, and Shieldbearers for the "Green" regiment of skeletal spearmen. I decided to just try simple paper banners for the banner bearers, and they worked out well enough. I completed the red bannerman along with the green.

With the sixteen "basic" spearman I've built thus far, I have two regiments of 13 (5 command + 8 basic) skeletons each. Not a very round number, but it tells me I need 14 more basic spearmen to get both regiments up to 20 models. Goals!

This batch brings the total for the Skeleton Horde up to 53 models. They are now, officially, my largest force after beating out the cultists' 48. Great work, bonefellows.
