
Showing posts from February, 2024

Prisoners and a Warden

Inspired by a new RPG ruleset I'm messing around with, this is four conscripted prisoners and the warden that keeps them in line. While most Tier 3 units (the weakest kind of units) come in groups of three, prisoners specifically come in four. Their options are more limited than other units (such as only using melee weapons in this case), but they make up for the lack of quality with quantity.

The figures are primed black, then painted with a base of Heavy Brown. The orange is a mixture of Vallejo Orange Fire, Heavy Orange, and Craftsmart Dark Orange. This orange is washed with Agrax Earthshade. After this, the main grey detailing (and the warden's uniform) is painted Basalt Grey. The weapon haft is Luftwaffe Uniform WWII. The blades, shotgun, and warden's helmet are Heavy Charcoal (simulating carbon fiber materials). Wash with Nuln Oil on the non-orange parts. Serves five.

This warden is entirely made from Anvil Industry pieces. The prisoners are a bit more diverse. The main bodies are Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder. The arms and weapons (bardiches!) are from Perry Miniatures Agincourt French Infantry. The heads are from that Warlord Games WWII British Paratrooper sprue, but I think they're big Polish airborne berets. Taken altogether, I think it makes a pretty good science fiction prisoner conscript uniform.

So this is 1.5 points of an approximately 3 point squad for one player. I enjoy the concept of each player controlling several "units" in an RPG, but I'll need to see how it plays out.

The Skeleton Horde 6: The Corpse Cart

This bone wagon is a bit out of left field, but I think it's pretty cool. I saw that Vampire Counts armies in Warhammer: The Old World can field a unit called a Corpse Cart. What an inspiration! While my version looks nothing like the official model, it's a fun kitbash.

The parts for this little chariot come from all over. The cart itself is a Reaper Miniatures Pig and Cart. I've previously posted the pig. The cart came filled with molded-in vegetables like pumpkins and such. I put a bunch of bone bits over them from the Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Infantry sprue and the Citadel Skulls box. The wizard himself is largely Wargames Atlantic, but the hat and hourglass are from the Frostgrave Wizard II sprue. The left arm is from the Frostgrave Cultist sprue. The wizard is rising from the pile of bones like he's a part of it, perhaps suggesting a regenerative ability. The skeletal horse is from the brand new Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Cavalry box. Finally, I printed the base on my 3D printer. It's 50 mm by 100 mm to match the size of the Corpse Cart in Warhammer. That's a hefty kitbash!

The Skeleton Horde is now 54 models.

Marienburg Halberdiers

Here are four warriors with halberds for my Marienburg mercenary warband, ready to venture into Mordheim. The bodies and heads are all Warlord Games Landsknecht plastics, and the halberds are metal arms/weapons from the same box. The only other source is the upraised hand for the gent with the hat, which is probably Frostgrave wizard in origin.

Each mercenary warriors with a halberd comes in at 35 gold, so that's 140 gold for the lot of them. Halberds don't really have the same impact as two separate hand weapons, but I'm building with a theme, not min-maxing. If a warband called Holly's Halberdiers doesn't have halberdiers then something is definitely wrong somewhere.

So, with the Ogre Bodyguard, we're at 220 gold out of 600 for these Marienburgers.

Their names (from left to right) are Toddrey, Boyle, Millner, and Rudy.

The Skeleton Horde 5: Green Command and Red Bannerman

Here are the Champion, Musician, Bannerman, and Shieldbearers for the "Green" regiment of skeletal spearmen. I decided to just try simple paper banners for the banner bearers, and they worked out well enough. I completed the red bannerman along with the green.

With the sixteen "basic" spearman I've built thus far, I have two regiments of 13 (5 command + 8 basic) skeletons each. Not a very round number, but it tells me I need 14 more basic spearmen to get both regiments up to 20 models. Goals!

This batch brings the total for the Skeleton Horde up to 53 models. They are now, officially, my largest force after beating out the cultists' 48. Great work, bonefellows.