
Welcome to the post-apocalypse! Here we find a crew of interestingly kitbashed scavengers for modern, sci-fi, or post-apocalyptic skirmish games. These figures were built in the order seen above (from left to right). Ultimately, they became a group for Zona Alfa, but their uses are many. As usual, I prefer to have five or so models of any given type as a minimum for skirmish games. Here they are individually with some notes.

This was the first one I made. It was a test piece I cobbled together from medieval Saxon Fyrd bits mixed with modern zombie survivor bits (all from Warlord Games). The camouflage pattern breaks up the top enough to look like some kind of long shirt or poncho or something, so with the guns and backpack it still looks modern enough.

His pose is a bit odd, a result of the Project Z arms not matching the Saxon Fyrd bodies very well. In person it looks quite dynamic as he reaches back to pull a grenade off of his belt.
  • Body: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Body Frame
  • Head: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Weapon Frame
  • Arms: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Backpack: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Grenades: Games Workshop Imperial Guard sprue (Cadian or Catachan)

I picture this guy as a medic. Originally, he only had the pistol, but after reading the Zona Alfa rules, I tacked a submachine gun (a Walther MP) onto his pack to make him more viable for that ruleset.
  • Body: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Body Frame
  • Head: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors
  • Right Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Left Arm: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Body Frame
  • Backpack: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Walther MP: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue

Here we have something of a knife nut. He holds a machete in one hand, with another large knife on his backpack, while a small knife is sheathed on his belt. He has scratches over his eye, probably related to his love for melee combat. The pistol seems almost like an afterthought.

  • Body: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Body Frame
  • Head: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors
  • Right Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Left Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Backpack: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Sheath/Knife: Games Workshop Imperial Guard sprue (Cadian or Catachan)

The leader of this band, if only because he's the most distinctive member is almost like an alternate universe Warden with his blue longcoat and green detailing. As opposed to the Saxon Fyrd origins of his comrades, he's built largely from Soviet Infantry bits. He's equipped with a modern gun (with a red-lensed scope) and has a modern backpack (in resin) from Anvil Industries.
  • Body: Warlord Games Soviet Infantry (Winter)
  • Head: Warlord Games Soviet Infantry (Winter)
  • Right Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Spec Ops
  • Left Arm: Warlord Games Soviet Infantry (Winter)
  • Backpack: Anvil Industries Modern Backpacks

"Old Shotgunny" is a distinguished older gentleman with a ripped sleeve and a shotgun. His pose is a bit odd, but it's relatively dynamic, as if he's moving to aim at something.
  • Body: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Body Frame
  • Head: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Weapon Frame
  • Right Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Left Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Backpack: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Additionally: A bit of putty because I messed up the arms

Before I built this last fellow, I read the Zona Alfa rules and decided I had the proper bits in hand to model him as an expert salvager. He's posed examining a mortar round that he's found. On his back he has both his backpack and an additional set of pouches, in addition to another pouch on his hip. He knows how to appraise what's worth the crew's time as they pick through ruins or anomalies.
  • Body: Warlord Games Saxon Fyrd Warriors Body Frame
  • Head: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors (some putty to fix the neck)
  • Right Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Left Arm: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Backpack & Pouches: Warlord Games Project Z Male Survivors Arm Weapon sprue
  • Additionally: Games Workshop Cadian Mortar

As usual, I painted with my cheap craft store acrylic paints. The camouflage pattern is pretty quick and easy, but it looks nice.

Camouflage (In order of application)
Base Color (all over): Ceramcoat Medium Foliage Green
Light Color (in squiggly splotches): "My Studio" Sage Green (72741)
Medium Color (lines overlapping and connecting light colors): Ceramcoat Territorial Beige
Dark Color (squiggly lines perpendicular to medium color): Ceramcoat Dark Foliage Green
Darkest Color (dots where something is needed): Craftsmart Expresso

I also used the Expresso paint on the backpacks, because if you gloop it on correctly, it makes a nice leather look.
