
Showing posts from January, 2020

Medieval Soldiers (5 of 5) - Maroon/Brown Team

Finally, the Maroon/Brown Team and their friends appear. As might be obvious, there's more than just the ten members of a Shieldball team here. The maroon and brown color scheme was chosen because it was generic and fast. Both colors only require one layer of paint for decent coverage. Thus, there's enough for bandits, mercenaries, or other folks.

I did most of this color scheme after doing all of the others, so the increase of skill is sometimes fairly evident. Particularly, the faces on some of these archers, along with their poses, are pretty nice. My favorite among them is probably the archer second from the right.

Here are the traditional three spearmen and two skirmishers. The brown gives their outfits the look of solid leather armor, which is both functional and fashionable.

Two heavies and three crossbowman. This team has plenty of everything.

Finally, a group of more unusual fellows. As noted, this color scheme was meant for generic soldiers for pretty much any game system. So here we have a fellow with a sword and a bow, along with four guys with a single hand weapon each, and two thieves/assassins in the back with just a dagger each. All together, I have enough of this color for most skirmish games, with enough variety to cover most available units. Specifically, there are plenty of guys for most configurations of a Frostgrave warband

This ends the medieval soldiers series! On to more recent miniatures next time.

Medieval Soldiers (4 of 5) - Personalities

These folks aren't actually part of the various teams, though originally the Black Knight with the two-hander was the Heavy for the Maroon/Brown Team. The Purple Knight was, similarly, the referee for Shieldball.

All four of these are really just set for NPC duty in RPGs these days, or maybe even as stand ins for PCs if they get lucky. The two Black Knights are pretty nice villains, if nothing else.

Next time, the Maroon/Brown "Team"

Medieval Soldiers (3 of 5) - Green Gold Team

Team Green/Gold was themed as more of a wealthy, city guard-style group. The presumed leader in the front seems like a pretty fancy fellow. They also have four spearmen instead of the usual three, allowing for two pairs of guards for tabletop RPGs.

My favorite thing about these guys are their swanky hats. They guard things and look good doing it.

Next time, not actually a team!

Medieval Soldiers (2 of 5) - Blue/Grey Team

The Blue/Grey Team had a theme of movement, so all but one stubborn archer are advancing. This is another traditional ten-man team. I'm a big fan of this color combination and the somewhat icy feeling it gives.

Apart from the unsatisfactory Shieldball rules, pulling all of my medieval soldiers together provides fodder for a wide variety of skirmish games. They can be repurposed for Frostgrave, Mordheim, or even fielded all together as a warband for Lion Rampant or other slightly larger-scale games. If I need bodies for a battlefield and it isn't strictly WYSIWYG, I have enough soldiers for most games.

This fellow to the right is probably the best unit from Team Blue/Grey, which isn't saying much.

Next time, Team Green/Gold.

Medieval Soldiers (1 of 5) - Red/Yellow Team

There are few sets of plastic miniatures that I love more than the Agincourt plastic boxes produced by the Perry Brothers. On their own, these boxes create beautifully-detailed troops that are perfect for any vaguely late-medieval skirmish games or any roleplaying game. As a source for parts to kitbash, the jam-packed sprues (the frames that the parts come on) offer a ton of bits and bobs for pretty much anything you may need in that era or beyond.

As such, many of my early miniatures painted when I got back into painting after the Warhammer era (some ten years earlier) come from theses boxes.

I made four general "teams" in keeping with a game I was developing at the time called "Shieldball" (or something similar). These teams were Red/Yellow, Blue/Grey, Green/Gold, and Maroon/Brown. Each was comprised of, at its core, a "Heavy" with two-hander and armor, two Archers, two Arbalists, two "Skirmishers" with one-handed weapon and buckler (so possibly not really skirmishers at all), and three Spearmen.

I honestly don't recall which team I painted first, so I'm just going to display them in the order presented above. Here you can see team Red/Yellow.

Again, these are early paint jobs, so you'll see some of the traditional "smudge of color" faces that I've tried to avoid since then. Overall, I like the colors. Yellow is annoying to paint, but I think it looks OK on these.

Next time, Team Blue/Grey!


Hello, and welcome to my miniatures blog. This blog is a very informal repository for pictures of the painted miniatures that I've accumulated over the years, largely so that I have record of them somewhere. There may also be posts about miniature-adjacent projects or games as well.

Of course, if you started with the newest post and worked backward to reach this post (as I tend to do with miniatures blogs), then you're done! Congratulations and I hope you've enjoyed my minis.

The miniatures presented will not be in strictly chronological order, though they will trend in that direction. Instead, they will be grouped by broad categories and/or themes, at least until the blog catches up to what I have painted, at which point it presumably will switch to a chronological order out of necessity.

Thank you and enjoy.