Turnip28: 12th Geosmin Marsh Patrol Regiment (Rootlings)

Here are six more models to join my Turnip28 force. These are Rootlings, horrid little planty beasties.

Originally, I sculpted little turnipy plant people out of greenstuff, but the end result was despairingly bad, so I turned to kitbashing. The rootlings are built from Reaper Bones kobolds from the Bones 4 Kickstarter. The leaves and flytrap on the rootlings' heads are from a two-decade-old box of Catachan Jungle Fighters. I cut off the horns on each kobold head, drilled a hole in the center, and glued in the base of the plants. The leaves and final drybrush coat are Vallejo "Goblin Green."

These guys aren't great, but they're both interesting and "good enough" so I'm happy to move on.
