
Showing posts from August, 2024

Turnip28: 12th Geosmin Marsh Patrol Regiment (Chaff)

Chaff are the skirmisher-type unit in Turnip28. They operate in groups of only four models, so these were fairly quick to knock out. The chaff are built practically the same as the Fodder, except these have flat caps or bonnets instead of shakos so that I could glue on a tuft. These guys wear horrid, muddy, haphazard versions of the ghilly suit, representing their in-game mechanical advantage when being fired upon.

Instead of using Heavy Goldbrown (yellow) for the jackets, these skirmishers use Vallejo "Goblin Green" (72.030). Other than that, they're painted in a practically identical manner to the Fodder.

I can see these fellows working as enemies in a mudworld arc of an RPG as well, just popping up out of nowhere in ambush.

Turnip28: 12th Geosmin Marsh Patrol Regiment (Rootlings)

Here are six more models to join my Turnip28 force. These are Rootlings, horrid little planty beasties.

Originally, I sculpted little turnipy plant people out of greenstuff, but the end result was despairingly bad, so I turned to kitbashing. The rootlings are built from Reaper Bones kobolds from the Bones 4 Kickstarter. The leaves and flytrap on the rootlings' heads are from a two-decade-old box of Catachan Jungle Fighters. I cut off the horns on each kobold head, drilled a hole in the center, and glued in the base of the plants. The leaves and final drybrush coat are Vallejo "Goblin Green."

These guys aren't great, but they're both interesting and "good enough" so I'm happy to move on.

Turnip28: 12th Geosmin Marsh Patrol Regiment

I love the look and flavor of the game Turnip28, so I painted up a few test pieces in that style. They turned out really well, and it was a fun project. Say hello to the first recruits of the mud-caked 12th Geosmin Marsh Patrol Regiment.

The six figures with rifles are half a unit of Fodder. They're the basic line unit. These guys are made from Wargames Atlantic Napoleonic British Riflemen. I used green stuff to make their weird, leathery bag masks. They have tufts on their back, which got a shade wash to matte them down.

The other two models are what I'm going to be using as Toadies, which are kind of like the lieutenants in the game. The one on stilts was a test for a kind of unit called "Lopers," who are drunkards on stilts. However, it was a complicated little kitbash, so he's just a one-off now. I even tried to do a little "object source lighting" from the lantern. The shorter guy with the 12th GMPR flag is an armored fellow from the command sprue of a Landsknecht box. The flag is paper.

Here's the list of paints that I used on the 12th GMPR models in the general order that I used them:

  • DecoArt Americana "Lamp (Ebony) Black
  • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Green" (72.146)
  • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Goldbrown" (72.151
  • Craftsmart "Expresso" (Applied extra goopy for the leather)
  • Vallejo Game Color "Beasty Brown" (72.043) (For the straps and such)
  • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Sienna" (72.154) (For the wood)
  • Vallejo Model Color "Oily Steel" (70.865) (For the metal)
  • Vallejo Game Extra Opaque "Heavy Warmgrey" (72.148) (For the skin)
  • Vallejo Game Color "Bonewhite" (72.034)
  • Citadel Colour "Agrax Earthshade"

And here's the basing stuff:

  • Vallejo Diorama FX Earth Texture "Dark Earth" (26.218)
  • Vallejo Diorama FX Thick Mud "European Mud" (26.807)
  • FolkArt Matte "Coffee Bean" (940) (On the dark earth)
  • Vallejo Game Color "Goblin Green" (72.030) (Lightly, on the mud)
  • FolkArt Matte "Coffee Latte" (2559) (Drybrush)
  • Vallejo Game Color "Bonewhite" (72.034) (Light drybrush on the dark earth)
  • Mod Podge (CS11301) (To make the mud shiny and wet-looking)