Inquisitorial Terminator

There isn't generally much Games Workshop on this blog, but here's a newly painted piece. I found a great deal on the Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast box, which has 13 miniatures, many of which could be put into an Inquisitor's retinue. As I waited for it to arrive, I pulled out this terminator from my old stash of Assault on Black Reach models and figured I'd paint him up as part of the inquisition, or at least as a non-Primarus terminator seconded to the inquisition. Some Inquisitors wear terminator armor, don't they? In any case, he was a good test bed for the color scheme.

The model was undercoated with DecoArt Americana "Lamp (Ebony) Black," which is my current go-to paint for priming. Then he was drybrushed with CraftSmart "Graphite." Some edges and other places got another layer of the Graphite. The red is DecoArt Americana "Deep Burgundy," with some layering of "True Red." The cream-colored bits are Vallejo "Bonewhite." The gold is Citadel "Gehenna's Gold," which is a bold, warm color. The base is my usual texture paste, then FolkArt "Coffee Bean," then a drybrush of FolkArt "Coffee Latte," then a very light drybrush of more Vallejo "Bonewhite." This is the basic paint scheme I have planned for all of the members of the Inquisitorial forces.
