Supervillain: Grenadehead

Bear with me on this one.

Grenadehead is a fairly normal Human woman who—inexplicably—has a grenade for a head. She's a scrappy fighter who can see, hear, smell, and somehow talk, even though she lacks the common head-mounted sensory organs needed for these tasks. She also doesn't need to eat or breathe, which are plusses. Aside from this, her only real superpower is the fact that if she either dies or pulls the pin from her head then she explodes. A little while later, she reappears somewhere within a few miles no worse for wear.

When pressed about her powers, Grenadehead's only explanation is that she got really drunk one night with an equally drunk minor deity and when she woke up the next morning, boom, Grenadehead.

The grenade is from the Wargames Atlantic Landsknecht Ogre set. When I realized it was basically head-sized, I threw the rest of the figure together. The body is Stargrave crew, the pointing arm is from the Wargames Atlantic Ooh Rah, and the baseball bat arm is from The Warlord Games Project Z survivors.

