Supervillain: Publius

John Quentin Paine was a patriotic young man who always dreamed of serving his country. As he approached his high school graduation, a natural mutation manifested and John discovered that he could teleport to anywhere that he could see. John applied to join the armed forces, and as soon as he demonstrated his powers, he was accepted into a special government program for supers. After extensive training, he ended up on the government-sponsored superteam the Bright Stars with the alias Publius.

Publius became quite a spy over his career, but in 1995, the team undertook a covert mission to intervene in the Yugoslav Wars and all five members of the Bright Stars were either captured or killed. Agent Publius was kept sedated by his captors until he was moved by the leader of Gorskaland, Lord Auctoritas, to a secret prison in his country. Publius was kept prisoner in a windowless cell for eight years as Auctoritas' scientists took his blood and did other tests to try and determine how to replicate his abilities. The United States never mounted any rescue operations and denied that the operation ever took place, claiming that the Bright Stars were killed by an ambush during a humanitarian mission.

In 2003, a lapse in security protocols allowed Publius to escape his cell. Leaving a trail of death in his wake, he managed to escape the Gorskan facility, and then the country. Feeling betrayed, Publius refused to return to government service and became a free agent. With his teleportation abilities, he became the ultimate getaway driver, able to teleport up to two others at a time as far as he could see, and chaining teleports together to moves miles in moments. As a mercenary, his skills are highly sought by criminals, governments, and rich individuals, and he commands a high price for his expertise.

Side note: Publius can also teleport through live video, but even a brief broadcast delay prevents him from using the stream to teleport.

So, the model: This is a Stargrave Scavenger body and arms, with an Anvil Industry head and a set of binoculars (and hand) from a Warlord Games Bolt Action British Airborne sprue. Under his brown leather longcoat is at least a hint of his old superhero costume in red, white, and blue.
