Clan Ghost Bear

Back row, left to right: Executioner, Ice Ferret, Nova, Timber Wolf. Front row, left to right: Ice Ferret, Elementals, Adder, Elementals, Grendel.

More mechwarrior madness. I received my Battletech "Clan Invasion" Kickstarter rewards a while ago, but now they're painted up. I went with a Clan Ghost Bear scheme because (A) they're the best Clan, (B) it's a pretty easy scheme (which I simplified further), and (C) I like blue. A while back I posted my meager Inner Sphere forces, but these are my first and only Clanners.

It's basically just the Clan Invasion box plus two Salvage Boxes (both of which contained Ice Ferrets). So we have an Adder (35 tons), a Grendel (45 tons), two Ice Ferrets (45 tons), a Nova (50 tons), a Timber Wolf (75 tons), and an Executioner (95 tons). There are also two bases (points) of five Elementals each. This team could wipe the floor with my painted Inner Sphere mechs. Maybe I should paint up some more Inner Sphere guys...
