
Showing posts from June, 2024

Urban Terrain: Bank

Here's a bank that I designed in Blender and 3D printed. It was a huge project; it took a while in the design phase, the printing phase, and the painting phase. With a base that fills 14 inches by 8 inches, the bank makes quite an impression on the tabletop. For superhero RPGs, heist games, or just general modern-era skirmish games, this bank has a lot of possible uses.

The front and side walls were printed in Creality Matte White, then spray primed on the outside with Army Painter "Skeleton Bone." I then sponged/stippled on Apple Barrel "Haystack," which I have discovered that they no longer produce. Then, I sponged/stippled on a mix of Haystack and Craftsmart "Vanilla." The end result was somewhere around good enough. The interior walls are Ceramcoat "Medium Foliage Green." The rear walls are just sheets of black-core foam board, cut to the right size and painted with the same colors.

The roof is magnetized to attach onto the lower part. It doesn't quite sit flush, due to my misjudgement of printing tolerances, but it holds on snugly. For texture on the roof, I used Woodland Scenics "Medium Ballast Gray Blend" (81394) to mimic roof ballast.

The bank could use some additional decoration (and furniture), but I'm going to let it sit for now. This project has taken more than long enough. It especially needs some color to pop on the exterior, like signs and banners. While the bland beige is very emblematic of the banking industry, it doesn't look as interesting as it could on the tabletop.

While these shots don't show it, there is a vault inside, situated under the removable upper balcony area. It has a working vault door (magnets!) and some non-working safety deposit boxes inside, ready for a heist.

This hulking structure more than doubles the footprint of buildings I've finished for my urban terrain board. Since I divide my urban board into 8x4" lots, this one fills up 3.5 lots. My total produced is now 6.5 lots:

  • Biggut's Fish (Fast food restaurant): 1 lot
  • Urban Residence: 1 lot
  • Urban Shop: 1 lot
  • Bank: 3.5 lots

I'd like to have 14 lots completed for this project, so I'm almost halfway there. Next up, I plan to finish a bus stop and subway station that were the first things that I originally designed for this project.

Urban Terrain: Residence and Shop

In this picture, we see Scrapper facing off against Caldwell and his henchmen on a city rooftop. The Mechanic has wandered in at ground level for additional scale reference.

I designed two more urban buildings in Blender, and I 3D printed them on our Creality K1 with Creality Matte Black filament. The one on the left is a shop, with the door at ground level. The one on the right is a residence of some kind.

Both buildings are built on 4x8" bases, in keeping with my modular urban board project. While I didn't do anything with the interiors, they are fully playable; each floor (and each roof) is fully magnetized so they hold together well but can be pulled apart easily. Interestingly, all of the floors are magnetized the same way, so they could be put together to make a 4.5-story building (and a 1 story building) instead of the 3-story and 2.5-story buildings shown here.

The paint job isn't amazing, but it gets the job done. The brick is a combination of various reds and a bit of brown. The trim is FolkArt Matte Coffee Latte with some splotches of FolkArt Camel (maybe?). The front of the residence is Ugly, but it's Heavy Warmgrey with a brown wash.

There are some additional details (like rooftop HVAC and accessories) that I haven't painted up yet, but it's just nice to see this part of the project finished.