
Showing posts from December, 2023

Big Pig

This hefty piggy, shown here with the Captain for scale, is another Reaper miniature from a Bones Kickstarter.

It's a big pig.

The miniature was painted in pink, then touched up with some browns. It's just a pig.


Giant Crocodile

This giant crocodile is from Reaper Miniatures and came with one of the Bones Kickstarters. Its skin is various shades of green, mostly dabbed on or drybrushed.

To scale, this crocodile is 20-25 feet long. The Captain bravely stands by for comparison purposes, but he's not happy about it. That mouth could swallow him whole!

Alien Horde 5: Eight Small Harvesters

These are eight more little aliens, which gives me a total of ten. This uses up all of the small Harvesters that came in the box. Once again, they were a bit of a pain to paint, and finding the right points to glue to the base was kind of frustrating. I did not do what I did last time to raise them up with beads, so the attachment points are largely on their elbows/knees and/or claws/blades. Still, now that they're done, they've contributed greatly to the size of the Alien Horde.

As a note on how big they are, since they're based on 1 inch bases (which represent a 5 foot diameter), the bodies of these things are about four scale feet long, and with their tails and arms fully extended, they could probably reach six or seven scale feet long. While they appear small, these things would be utterly terrifying as they crawled and skittered toward you, and their armored carapaces would probably make their bodies at least somewhat resilient. With that in mind, the larger Harvesters would be utterly, paralyzingly horrifying when charging toward you.

Aka-Oni Irregulars: Stinger, Centurion, Archer

Three more Aka-Oni battlemechs, starting them off on the path beyond a mere two companies of mechs. We've got a tiny Stinger, which is a fast, weak, and incredibly cheap scout mech. On the left is an Archer with a whole bunch of missiles. Finally, on the right, is a very special Centurion. This is a model representing the Yen-Lo-Wang variant, which was piloted in the arenas of Solaris. It's got an AC/20 on one hand and a big ole' claw on the other. This one can almost serve as a five-ton-lighter Hunchback.

  • Stinger (20 tons, BV 359)
  • Centurion (Yen-Lo-Wang) (50 tons, BV 957)
  • Archer (70 tons, BV 1338)
Total mechs: 27
Total tons: 1530
Total battle value: 29,858