
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Broken Watchtower

I scratch-built this 17" watchtower as a Mordheim centerpiece back at the beginning of the year. Now, it's painted!

The rocky base and the stone bricks are made of solid pink insulation foam. The round bit was a cut-out from a terrain board six or seven years ago. The bricks were hand carved with a craft knife. The stone color formula was Black (Craftsmart), Zinc (DecoArt Americana), Graphite (Craftsmart), and Rain Grey (Ceramcoat).

The main structure was made of black foamboard with half-inch wood rods for the corners. All of the wood is painted a mix of Black (Craftsmart) and Coffee Bean (FolkArt 881), which was then drybrushed with just Coffee Bean.

The plaster on the walls turned out exceedingly well. It's Vallejo Diorama FX Dark Earth (26.218), which is what I used as the ground cover as well. I drybrushed it with very old FolkArt Camel (953) and then a lighter drybrush of very old Delta Ceramcoat... um... it doesn't even have a color name? It's an off-white and the bottle has a copyright date of 2003. I also have an old Apple Barrel Haystack (21179) that might have been substituted for the Camel at some point in the process (they're very similar).

The roof tiles are cut-up strips of cardboard about 3/4" tall. Each shingle is a half inch wide and cut up about 1/2". They're all connected in strips, which makes them easier to work with. The lower shingles are smaller. The color is a base of Ceramcoat Cardinal Red mixed with Craftsmart Black, then a drybrush of just Cardinal Red. Some lighter and darker colors are also drybrushed on for some variation.

Broken Watchtower: 8" x 8" (64 in²)

Total Mordheim terrain: 122.56 in²

As noted in a previous post, I'm eventually aiming for 576 in² of terrain to have a quarter of a 4' x 4' board covered. 122.56/576 = 21%.

Chosen Men

Redcoat's Chosen Men have expanded their ranks. From left to right:

  • Two troopers with rifles.
  • One trooper with a stolen super-tech cannon. It's heavy. The colors don't match the rest of the Chosen Man stuff because the cannon is, again, stolen.
  • Another sergeant. In addition to his rifle, this fellow has an RPG-7 on his back, along with extra ammunition.
  • Finally, two militiamen with pistols. They're on their way into the gang, but they don't get the full kit just yet--not until they prove themselves.

Supervillain: Hactuary

Enter Hactuary, the human calculator! Janie Pegg is a hacker and actuary who uses her built-in cybernetic supercomputer to run hundreds of processes per second. She's more than capable of carrying on dozens of tasks at once while working on even more in the background. A thinker and planner, she often works behind the scenes setting up heists, hiring other criminals, and vanishing without a trace—but with her cut of the loot. She's no slouch in combat either, with an array of physical augmentations and gadgets to make a speedy getaway.

The miniature is a Stargrave "Specialist Soldier: Hacker." It's fully metal--and heavy--so I glued a nickel to the bottom of the base to keep it stable. The colors are basically purple and green with a brown coat and a few other splashes of color for interest.