Siegtruh, the Mimic Knight
Here is Sir Siegtruh of Sotric, the Mimic Knight. He's a wonderfully jovial and friendly fellow. While ponderous and deliberative (not wanting to act too hastily), he'll leap in at a moment's notice to help anyone who finds themselves in a bit of a pickle.
The figure is comprised of the following:
- A chest from the Bloodborne board game
- Arms from the Frostgrave Soldiers box
- Legs from a detruncated Frostgrave Soldier body
- A jaunty hat from a Warlord Games' Pike and Shotte sprue
I am in love with this delightful little kitbash! This character will appear in an upcoming D&D campaign (which is, again, played entirely online, so he doesn't really need a physical model, but I also have other plans for the figure).